Ethiopian Graduate Student Support

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wonfel Aid Inc

Graduate student applicant support


raised by 0 people

High achieving Ethiopian students who successfully completed their BS program in Ethiopia usually aspire to join prestigious graduate schools around the world. Most of these students are needy, and they can't afford paying the fees required for admission and graduate school application fees, GRE and ToFEL exam fees and other fees.  These needy students are being left behind.  The Ethiopian Educators without Borders and the communities of the Ethiopian Scientific and Academic Network, are working hard to  bring this matter to the Ethiopian community and the international educator community. We are conducting this fundraising effort with the purpose of awarding a $1000 dollar scholarship per student to cover these costs.  We are to Ethiopian and international educator community to support this fundraising.  The scholarship is awarded to students who qualify to apply for graduate schools  in the US, and they must apply for PhD programs only.  We institute a fair selection process conducted by EWD volunteers and the university departments that the students are graduating from.   In order to sustain the program we will institute a cost recovery mechanism where the successful student, after two years of graduate school in the US, will  agree to pay back with 100% interest.. Please support aspiring graduate students

This fundraiser supports

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Wonfel Aid Inc

Organized By Abebe Kebede

Giving Activity


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