Seeds for Farmers - ዘር ለገበሬ

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wonfel Aid Inc
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This project introduces high-yield crop varieties to combat famine in Amhara region.


raised by 11 people

$100,000 goal

Amid the ongoing conflict against the Amhara people, the regime is using hunger as a weapon to control the population. The government failed to provide fertilizers to Amhara farmers in 2023. This is a deliberate effort to deprive the Amhara people of food and resources, which constitutes a severe violation of human rights and a crime against humanity. 

The government troops have also been looting homes, burning farmers’ crops in the fields and granaries, and killing their livestock, which are desperately needed staples. This has put thousands of lives at risk.

In response to the famine campaign waged against the Amharas, we launched the Food Security Project. Its goal is to address the food crisis by ensuring access to food supply and tackling food insecurity.

We urgently appeal for your support to enable us to provide the “Seeds for Farmers ዘር ለገበሬ” program. Your help will be invaluable in preventing the potential disaster caused by hunger.

This fundraiser supports

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Wonfel Aid Inc

Organized By Seedforfarmers

Giving Activity


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