Operation Sustenance to help IDPs

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wonfel Aid Inc
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An urgent call to action & support IDPs in Wag Hemra, Jara, Debre Berhan, Bure, Debark & many others


raised by 28 people

This is an urgent grassroots call to action.

Our team visited with Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at a few campsites recently and was shocked to learn the number of people in great distress and urgent need of food and basic necessities. We visited what we believed to be neglected IDP camps based on their geographical location or logistical challenges.  It was apparent that what we had to offer didn’t match the needs of the people on the ground. However, we realized that even if a few people were able to eat something that day, it was better than nothing. Someone else will rise up and provide for them the next day. Today is that next day. I urge you to contribute to Operation Sustenance and share this link with others.
Campsites referenced above are located in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, including Wag, Jara, Debre Tabor, Mersa, and Bahar Dar. However, there is a total of 40 camps distributed in every woreda (district).

Wake-up Call:

There has been a noticeable decline in support from international and domestic NGOs. News agencies in Ethiopia have reported that the regional and federal governments have exhausted all funds and aren’t able to provide support to IDPs. The international news coverage about the Amhara IDPs has been minimal. We are in a lull period where the assistance in large is coming from the local residents at the nearby kebele’s (ward), and grassroots efforts from Ethiopians living abroad. If we don’t move NOW - millions of people will perish of starvation or lack of health care. Some IDPs have had to vacate their campsite completely due to funding cuts. They have had to escape highly traumatic, life-threatening vicious war crimes forcing them to leave their families, homes, farms, and businesses behind. All while walking, running, and hiding with their children in the bush for days. Some with physical wounds until reaching sanctuary cities. And now they are migrating from one area to another to find food. The information and societal awareness of the severity are super delayed and concealed, leaving the number of people affected by the conflict & genocide growing at an alarming rate. Those living on the campsites or in the communities are at risk for infectious diseases, poor sanitary conditions, children suffering from malnutrition, lack of health care for newborns and mothers, and overall health. Some camps aren’t built for the climate changes, and with the rainy season at their tents, they are susceptible to additional loss. There hasn’t been any evidence of counselors, talk therapists, or any form of proper cultural and/or religious grieving order for the family members they were forced to leave behind.

Your contribution will make a difference!

Purpose: Funds to be used for

 Provide Food

o Flour & Grains


o Oil

 Basic necessities

o Water containers

o Sanitary products

o Cookware

 Medical supply

 Mattresses & blankets

 Clothes & shoes

 Maintenance of campsite

We appreciate your contribution! 

This fundraiser supports

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Wonfel Aid Inc

Organized By Tsedey A

Giving Activity


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