እኔም ለእህቴ For My Sister

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wonfel Aid Inc
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TPLF soldiers used rape as a weapon against Amhara girls and women. Now those victims need our help!


raised by 141 people

Fundraising in Seattle!

Update posted 2 years ago

The weaponization of sexual violence against unarmed and vulnerable civilians in Ethiopia’s Amhara region has left thousands of victims in need of our collective support. 

During their violent campaign in Amhara region, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and its rebel allies committed violent sexual crimes against women and girls including those who were pregnant, disabled, and elderly. 

Launched with financial support from the Amhara Emergency Fund, For My Sister provides psychosocial and economic support to survivors of sexual violence.

Faced with the immense need for survivors and limited funding, we need financial assistance from donors like you so we can continue to provide essential services and resources to over 700 victims of sexual violence in Amhara region.  

Your donation will help us provide the following services:

1. Mental health and psychosocial counseling services with local experts and religious leaders to manage post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, low self-esteem, insomnia, social stigma, anxiety, etc.

2. General health services: Sexual violence has been associated with increased vulnerability to maternal mortality, including gynecological disorders such as pelvic inflammatory disease; and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS. 

3. Economic Empowerment: Financial wellbeing and independence are essential to the recovery efforts of sexual violence victims. Victims facing economic hardship are more vulnerable to further victimization, health problems, exploitation, and marginalization. For My Sister has been providing microfinance support to economically empower survivors. For instance, a donation of $500 can be used to give a family a cow (or another domestic animal), encourage them to breed it, and share the offspring with another family in the community. These financial-empowerment strategies emancipate survivors of sexual violence by improving their self-esteem and confidence, enhancing their ability to make decisions within their own households, and expanding their social networks.

4. Short-term life skills and vocational training: These trainings build resiliency, independent living skills, confidence, and help survivors connect with their community. 

5. Spiritual guidance: Churches and religious centers can shape community attitudes toward sexual violence. Religious leaders are often seen as moral authorities in communities, and their attitudes can greatly influence followers. For My Sister works with religious organizations to destigmatize and educate people about gender-based violence.

6. Awareness about sexual violence: For My Sister works with key institutions in the areas of medicine, law, and psychosocial services to identify barriers and effectively respond to the needs of sexual violence victims. With local support, we educate community members and service providers on gender-based violence, sexuality, psychosocial care, and rehabilitation so local community members and experts can provide informed and holistic care to victims. 

Your financial support, no matter how big or small will go a long way in helping build more resilient, empowered, and safe communities for victims of sexual violence.

Our team recommends the following levels of sponsorship:

1. Sponsor a sister for six months at $50/month commitment

2. Sponsor a sister for a year at $100

3. One-time donation of $500

This fundraiser supports

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Wonfel Aid Inc

Organized By Mulusew Yayehyirad

Giving Activity


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