ዝብስት : አቸፈር ጉዳተኞች እንድረስላቸው
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Wonfel Aid IncLet us help survivors of a drone attack in Zebist, Achefer
raised by 10 people
On Nov 5, 2024 , civilians were massacred in Zebist-town in Achefer District, Amhara region. Hundreds were severely injured. The drone attack destroyed a health center, a school, and several houses. Please help what you can to help with medical supplies.
አይ ዝብስት: የሃገር ጠረፍ
እሩቅ ምድር
የኖርሽ ያለ ውሃ:መንገድ :መብራት
መንግስታት ምንም ያልሰሩልሽ
በ21ኛው እሽ በድሮን ጨፈጨፉሽ